Hossenbaccus, Lubnaa
8  results:
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International consensus statement on allergy and rhinology:..:

Wise, Sarah K ; Damask, Cecelia ; Roland, Lauren T...
Wise , S K , Damask , C , Roland , L T , Ebert , C , Levy , J M , Lin , S , Luong , A , Rodriguez , K , Sedaghat , A R , Toskala , E , Villwock , J , Abdullah , B , Akdis , C , Alt , J A , Ansotegui , I J , Azar , A , Baroody , F , Benninger , M S , Bernstein , J , Brook , C , Campbell , R , Casale , T , Chaaban , M , Chew , F T , Chambliss , J , Cianferoni , A , Custovic , A , Davis , E M , DelGaudio , J M , Ellis , A K , Flanagan , C , Fokkens , W J , Franzese , C , Greenhawt , M , Gill , A , Halderman , A , Hohlfeld , J M , Incorvaia , C , Joe , S A , Joshi , S , Kuruvilla , M E , Kim , J , Klein , A M , Krouse , H J , Kuan , E C , Lang , D , Larenas-Linnemann , D , Laury , A M , Lechner , M , Lee , S E , Lee , V S , Loftus , P , Marcus , S , Marzouk , H , Mattos , J , McCoul , E , Melen , E , Mims , J W , Mullol , J , Nayak , J V , Oppenheimer , J , Orlandi , R R , Phillips , K , Platt , M , Ramanathan , M , Raymond , M , Rhee , C S , Reitsma , S , Ryan , M , Sastre , ....  , 2023

Study of Cat Allergy Using Controlled Methodology—A Review ..:

Lubnaa Hossenbaccus ; Sophia Linton ; Rashi Ramchandani..
https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/falgy.2022.828091/full.  , 2022

Biologic Responses to House Dust Mite Exposure in the Envir..:

Lubnaa Hossenbaccus ; Sophia Linton ; Jenny Thiele...
https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/falgy.2021.807208/full.  , 2022

Data_Sheet_1_Biologic Responses to House Dust Mite Exposure..:

Lubnaa Hossenbaccus (11915504) ; Sophia Linton (11915507) ; Jenny Thiele (11915510)...
https://figshare.com/articles/dataset/Data_Sheet_1_Biologic_Responses_to_House_Dust_Mite_Exposure_in_the_Environmental_Exposure_Unit_docx/17980307.  , 2022