Hvidtfeldt, Anna
12  results:
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In vitro synergy of sertraline and tetracycline cannot be r..:

Sofie Kromann ; Anna Hvidtfeldt ; Mette Boye...
http://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s12866-018-1383-5.  , 2019

Airway hyperresponsiveness correlates with airway TSLP in a..:

Andreasson, Louise Munkholm ; Dyhre-Petersen, Nanna ; Hvidtfeldt, Morten...
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.  153 (2024)  4 - p. 988-997.e11 , 2024

Occupational noise exposure and risk of incident stroke: a ..:

Thacher, Jesse D ; Roswall, Nina ; Lissåker, Claudia...
Occupational and Environmental Medicine.  79 (2022)  9 - p. 594-601 , 2022

Co-ethnic Neighbours and Integration of Migrant Children:

Damm, Anna Piil ; Hassani, Ahmad ; Hvidtfeldt, Camilla..
https://pure.au.dk/portal/en/publications/edf3c4fc-9685-4f6d-a0d7-52f2af3b4373.  , 2024

Occupational noise exposure and risk of incident stroke:a p..:

Thacher, Jesse D ; Roswall, Nina ; Lissåker, Claudia...
Thacher , J D , Roswall , N , Lissåker , C , Aasvang , G M , Albin , M , Andersson , E M , Engström , G , Eriksson , C , Hvidtfeldt , U A , Ketzel , M , Khan , J , Lanki , T , Ljungman , P L S , Mattisson , K , Molnar , P , Raaschou-Nielsen , O , Oudin , A , Overvad , K , Petersen , S B , Pershagen , G , Poulsen , A H , Pyko , A , Rizzuto , D , Rosengren , A , Schioler , L , Sjöström , M , Stockfelt , L , Tiittanen , P , Sallsten , G , Ögren , M , Selander , J & Sorensen , M 2022 , ' Occupational noise exposure and risk of incident stroke : a pooled study of five Scandinavian cohorts ' , Occupational and Environmental Medicine , vol. 79 , no. 9 , pp. 594-601 . https://doi.org/10.1136/oemed-2021-108053.  , 2022

Occupational noise exposure and risk of incident stroke:a p..:

Thacher, Jesse D ; Roswall, Nina ; Lissåker, Claudia...
https://pure.au.dk/portal/en/publications/430d7d38-5207-4ef7-a96f-a54f1dcb96a3.  , 2022

Occupational noise exposure and risk of incident stroke : a..:

Thacher, Jesse D ; Roswall, Nina ; Lissåker, Claudia...
Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 1351-0711, 2022, 79:9, s. 594-601.  , 2022

Forvaltning af forskningsdata:En undersøgelse af danske uni..:

Thestrup, Jesper B ; Kruse, Filip ; Nondal, Lars...
Thestrup , J B , Kruse , F , Nondal , L , Dorch , B F , Blaabjerg , N J , Drachen , T , Elbæk , M , Ekstrøm , J , Ellegaard , O , Kryger , K , Larsen , A V , Markus , D , Morthorst , A M , Sonne , E , Zurcher , S , Knudsen , E V & Andersen , M H 2013 , Forvaltning af forskningsdata : En undersøgelse af danske universiteters og forskningsråds praksisser, politik og visioner for lagring, langtidsbevaring, tilgængeliggørelse og deling af forskningsdata . DEFF , København ..  , 2013