Jack Koster
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Effect of Sequential Crop Termination and Bed Fumigation on..:

Koster, Jack T. ; Ding, Shunping ; Holmes, Gerald J...
International Journal of Fruit Science.  24 (2024)  1 - p. 1-17 , 2024

Effect of Sequential Crop Termination and Bed Fumigation on..:

Jack T. Koster ; Shunping Ding ; Gerald J. Holmes..
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/10.1080/15538362.2023.2292132.  , 2024

Comparison of Handgrip and Leg Extension Strength in Predic..:

Fragala, Maren S. ; Alley, Dawn E. ; Shardell, Michelle D....
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.  64 (2016)  1 - p. 144-150 , 2016

Assessing Daily Physical Activity in Older Adults: Unraveli..:

Schrack, Jennifer A. ; Cooper, Rachel ; Koster, Annemarie...
The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences.  71 (2016)  8 - p. 1039-1048 , 2016

Questioning Ethnic Identity: Interviewer Effects in Researc..:

van Bochove, Marianne ; Burgers, Jack ; Geurts, Amber..
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology.  46 (2015)  5 - p. 652-666 , 2015

Association of Physical Activity History With Physical Func..:

Stenholm, Sari ; Koster, Annemarie ; Valkeinen, Heli...
The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences.  71 (2015)  4 - p. 496-501 , 2015