Kajaks, Tara
24  results:
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Protection from Omicron Infection in Residents of Nursing a..:

Breznik, Jessica A. ; Rahim, Ahmad ; Kajaks, Tara...
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.  24 (2023)  5 - p. 753-758 , 2023

Interdisciplinary trainee networks to promote research on a..:

Harvey, Kelsey ; Sangrar, Ruheena ; Weldrick, Rachel...
Gerontology & Geriatrics Education.  44 (2022)  3 - p. 429-448 , 2022

Challenges to Human Drivers in Increasingly Automated Vehic..:

Hancock, P. A. ; Kajaks, Tara ; Caird, Jeff K....
Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.  62 (2020)  2 - p. 310-328 , 2020

Toward mitigating pressure injuries: Detecting patient orie..:

Wong, Gordon ; Gabison, Sharon ; Dolatabadi, Elham...
Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering.  7 (2020)  - p. 205566832091216 , 2020

Creating an intergenerational university hub: Engaging olde..:

Vrkljan, Brenda ; Whalen, Amanda ; Kajaks, Tara...
Gerontology & Geriatrics Education.  40 (2019)  2 - p. 244-260 , 2019

The Impact of Advanced Vehicle Technologies on Older Driver..:

, In: Adjunct Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications,

Using Simulation to Better Understand the Effects of Aging ..:

Kajaks, Tara ; Vrkljan, Brenda ; MacDermid, Joy.
Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement.  35 (2016)  S1 - p. 110-116 , 2016

Towards Bridging the Gap between Biomechanics and Motor Con..:

Kajaks, Tara ; Lyons, James L.
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting.  56 (2012)  1 - p. 1010-1014 , 2012

The free moment in walking and its change with foot rotatio..:

Almosnino, Sivan ; Kajaks, Tara ; Costigan, Patrick A
BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation.  1 (2009)  1 - p. , 2009