Kamenev, Dmitrii
9  results:
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Schwann cell precursors generate sympathoadrenal system dur..:

Kamenev, Dmitrii ; Sunadome, Kazunori ; Shirokov, Maxim...
Journal of Neuroscience Research.  99 (2021)  10 - p. 2540-2557 , 2021

Schwann cell precursors contribute to skeletal formation du..:

Xie, Meng ; Kamenev, Dmitrii ; Kaucka, Marketa...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.  116 (2019)  30 - p. 15068-15073 , 2019

Schwann cell precursors contribute to skeletal formation du..:

Kamenev, Dmitrii ; Kaucka, Marketa ; Kastriti, Maria Eleni...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.  116 (2019)  30 - p. 15068-15073 , 2019

Theory of branching morphogenesis by local interactions and..:

Ucar, Mehmet C ; Kamenev, Dmitrii ; Sunadome, Kazunori...
info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/doi/10.1038/s41467-021-27135-5.  , 2021

PNAS / Schwann cell precursors contribute to skeletal forma..:

Dyachuk, Vyacheslav ; Chagin, Andrei S ; Xie, Meng...
vignette : https://repositorium.meduniwien.ac.at/titlepage/urn/urn:nbn:at:at-ubmuw:3-34967/128.  , 2019