Komal, Fnu
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Salmonella aortitis successfully treated with antibiotics w..:

Melki, Gabriel ; Alkomos, Mina Fransawy ; Komal, FNU...
Journal of Community Hospital Internal Medicine Perspectives.  11 (2021)  3 - p. 361-365 , 2021

Generation of a Spiral Ganglion Neuron Degeneration Mouse M..:

Hu, Zhengqing ; Komal, Fnu ; Singh, Aditi.
Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology.  9 (2021)  - p. , 2021

SUN-566 Sspontaneous Oscillating Hypothyroidism and Hyperth..:

Ghrewati, Moutaz ; Komal, FNU ; Kumar, Vinod...
Journal of the Endocrine Society.  3 (2019)  Supplement_1 - p. , 2019

SUN-168 HAART-Induced Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar Syndrome: ..:

Vora, Aarohi ; Komal, FNU ; Nanavati, Sushant...
Journal of the Endocrine Society.  3 (2019)  Supplement_1 - p. , 2019

Generation of a Spiral Ganglion Neuron Degeneration Mouse M..:

Zhengqing Hu ; Fnu Komal ; Aditi Singh.
https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fcell.2021.761847/full.  , 2021

Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma Presenting as a Perinephric ..:

Vinod Kumar ; Sushant Nanavati ; Luis Carlos Ortiz..
https://jcdr.net/articles/PDF/11362/32019_F(SL)_PF1(BHV_AnG)PFA(BHV_AnG)_PB(BHV_AP)_PN(AP).pdf.  , 2018

Prolactinoma: Navigating the Dual Challenge of Side Effects..:

Yogeeta, Fnu ; Rauf, Sameer Abdul ; Devi, Muskan...
Annals of Medicine & Surgery.  86 (2024)  8 - p. 4613-4623 , 2024