Lee, Byeonghee
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Performance evaluation of an improved pool scrubbing system..:

Lee, Juhyeong ; Lee, Byeonghee ; Kim, Sung Joong
Nuclear Engineering and Technology.  56 (2024)  4 - p. 1513-1525 , 2024

Text-mining analysis using national R&D project data of Sou..:

Lee, Ji Yeon ; Choi, Jung Woo ; Choi, Jae-Hak.
International Journal of Innovation Studies.  7 (2023)  1 - p. 87-99 , 2023

Separate and integral effect tests of aerosol retention in ..:

Lee, Byeonghee ; Kim, Sung-Il ; Ha, Kwang Soon
Nuclear Engineering and Technology.  54 (2022)  7 - p. 2702-2713 , 2022

Analysis on the discharge characteristics and spreading beh..:

Kim, Sang Ho ; Ham, Jaehyun ; Lee, Byeonghee...
Nuclear Engineering and Technology.  54 (2022)  12 - p. 4551-4559 , 2022

Can a wonder material be a popular item? A hype cycle of sh..:

Lee, Ji Yeon ; Lim, Jeongsub ; Choi, Jae-Hak.
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management.  36 (2022)  10 - p. 2302-2317 , 2022

Development of severe accident mitigation technology and an..:

Park, Rae-Joon ; Ham, Jaehyun ; Kim, Sang Ho...
Nuclear Engineering and Design.  374 (2021)  - p. 111061 , 2021

Source Term Estimation under the SBLOCA-Induced Severe Acci..:

Ham, Jaehyun ; Kim, Sang Ho ; Kim, Sung Il...
Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations.  2021 (2021)  - p. 1-14 , 2021