Mateja, Heather L
18  results:
Search for persons X

Operationalizing the social-ecological systems framework to..:

Leslie, Heather M. ; Basurto, Xavier ; Nenadovic, Mateja...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.  112 (2015)  19 - p. 5979-5984 , 2015

Operationalizing the social-ecological systems framework to..:

Leslie, Heather M. ; Basurto, Xavier ; Nenadovic, Mateja...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.  112 (2015)  19 - p. 5979-5984 , 2015

Cycle decompositions IV: complete directed graphs and fixed..:

Alspach, Brian ; Gavlas, Heather ; Šajna, Mateja.
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A.  103 (2003)  1 - p. 165-208 , 2003