Mickute, Monika
10  results:
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Age at onset of type 2 diabetes and prevalence of vascular ..:

Goldney, Jonathan ; Barker, Mary M. ; Thomas, Martha...
Journal of Diabetes and its Complications.  38 (2024)  10 - p. 108849 , 2024

Individual frailty phenotype components and mortality in ad..:

Mickute, Monika ; Zaccardi, Francesco ; Razieh, Cameron...
Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice.  195 (2023)  - p. 110155 , 2023

Does high dietary protein intake contribute to the increase..:

Ancu, Oana ; Mickute, Monika ; Guess, Nicola...
Ancu , O , Mickute , M , Guess , N , Hurren , N , Burd , N & Mackenzie , R 2020 , ' Does high dietary protein intake contribute to the increased risk of developing prediabetes and type 2 diabetes? ' , Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism . https://doi.org/10.1139/apnm-2020-0396.  , 2020

Integrin-associated ILK and PINCH1 protein content are redu..:

Draicchio, Fulvia ; van Vlie, Stephan ; Ancu, Oana...
Draicchio , F , van Vlie , S , Ancu , O , Paluska , S , Wilund , K , Mickute , M , Sathyapalan , T , Renshaw , D , Watt , P , Sylow , L , Burd , N & Mackenzie , R 2020 , ' Integrin-associated ILK and PINCH1 protein content are reduced in skeletal muscle of maintenance hemodialysis patients ' , Journal of Physiology , pp. JP-RP-2020-280441R1 . https://doi.org/10.1113/JP280441.  , 2020

Integrin‐associated ILK and PINCH1 protein content are redu..:

Draicchio, Fulvia ; van Vliet, Stephen ; Ancu, Oana...
https://research.brighton.ac.uk/en/publications/7c42a831-6b49-4869-84e7-bbd268aae89d.  , 2020