Neale, Timothy
389  results:
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Thank you to our reviewers for 2021 and 2022:

Addison, Courtney ; Kearnes, Matthew ; Lancaster, Kari.
Science, Technology, & Human Values.  48 (2023)  2 - p. 237-242 , 2023

Latour and After, or What Comes After Latour?:

Addison, Courtney ; Neale, Timothy ; Lancaster, Kari.
Science, Technology, & Human Values.  48 (2023)  5 - p. 969-972 , 2023

Divisible Governance: Making Gas-fired Futures during Clima..:

Howey, Kirsty ; Neale, Timothy
Science, Technology, & Human Values.  48 (2022)  5 - p. 1080-1109 , 2022

What Is an STS Contribution Now?:

Neale, Timothy ; Lancaster, Kari ; Addison, Courtney.
Science, Technology, & Human Values.  48 (2022)  1 - p. 3-8 , 2022

A Meeting Point for STS Interventions and Conversations:

Neale, Timothy ; Addison, Courtney ; Lancaster, Kari.
Science, Technology, & Human Values.  47 (2022)  4 - p. 664-669 , 2022

Interscalar maintenance: configuring an Indigenous 'premium..:

Neale, Timothy
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute.  29 (2022)  2 - p. 306-325 , 2022

The recalibration of our relationships with science (and na..:

Weir, Jessica K ; Neale, Timothy ; Clarke, Elizabeth A
Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space.  5 (2021)  3 - p. 1654-1677 , 2021

Fuzzy boundaries: Simulation and expertise in bushfire pred..:

Neale, Timothy ; May, Daniel
Social Studies of Science.  50 (2020)  6 - p. 837-859 , 2020

Fuzzy boundaries: Simulation and expertise in bushfire pred..:

Neale, Timothy ; May, Daniel
Social Studies of Science.  50 (2020)  6 - p. 837-859 , 2020