Neuhoff, Karsten
404  results:
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Supporting the Transition to Climate-Neutral Production: An..:

Ismer, Roland ; van Asselt, Harro ; Haverkamp, Jennifer...
Journal of International Economic Law.  26 (2023)  2 - p. 216-232 , 2023

Policy complementarity and the paradox of carbon pricing:

Grubb, Michael ; Poncia, Alexandra ; Drummond, Paul..
Oxford Review of Economic Policy.  39 (2023)  4 - p. 711-730 , 2023

Carbon Leakage, Consumption, and Trade:

Grubb, Michael ; Jordan, Nino David ; Hertwich, Edgar...
Annual Review of Environment and Resources.  47 (2022)  1 - p. 753-795 , 2022

To ban or not to ban carbon‐intensive materials: A legal an..:

Gerres, Timo ; Haussner, Manuel ; Neuhoff, Karsten.
Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law.  30 (2021)  2 - p. 249-262 , 2021

New technologies on the supply side:

, In: Handbook on Electricity Markets,