Ng, Magdeline Tao Tao
21  results:
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Confirmation of quinolone-induced formation of gyrase–DNA c..:

Zhang, Hao ; Guo, Juanjuan ; Li, Dawei...
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters.  23 (2013)  16 - p. 4622-4626 , 2013

Precise engineering and visualization of signs and magnitud..:

Li, Dawei ; Yang, Zhaoqi ; Long, Yi...
Chemical Communications.  47 (2011)  38 - p. 10695 , 2011

Manipulating DNA writhe through varying DNA sequences:

Li, Dawei ; Yang, Zhaoqi ; Zhao, Guanjia...
Chemical Communications.  47 (2011)  26 - p. 7479 , 2011

Nick-containing oligonucleotides as human topoisomerase I i..:

Chua, Sock Teng ; Quek, Ngee Mien ; Li, Ming...
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters.  19 (2009)  3 - p. 618-623 , 2009

Site-specific self-cleavage of G-quadruplexes formed by hum..:

Li, Xinming ; Ng, Magdeline Tao Tao ; Wang, Yifan...
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters.  18 (2008)  20 - p. 5576-5580 , 2008

C3-Spacer-containing circular oligonucleotides as inhibitor..:

Wang, Yifan ; Ng, Magdeline Tao Tao ; Zhou, Tianyan...
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters.  18 (2008)  12 - p. 3597-3602 , 2008