Panter, Ian
34  results:
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A Romano-British Cist Burial from Marton-Cum-Grafton, near ..:

Whyman, Mark ; Antoni, Bryan ; Panter, Ian...
Yorkshire Archaeological Journal.  95 (2023)  1 - p. 54-71 , 2023

How to Carefully Construct a Hospital over a Roman Boat in ..:

Sidell, Jane ; Panter, Ian
Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites.  18 (2016)  1-3 - p. 266-275 , 2016

Lessons from Star Carr on the vulnerability of organic arch..:

High, Kirsty ; Milner, Nicky ; Panter, Ian..
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.  113 (2016)  46 - p. 12957-12962 , 2016

Lessons from Star Carr on the vulnerability of organic arch..:

High, Kirsty ; Milner, Nicky ; Panter, Ian..
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.  113 (2016)  46 - p. 12957-12962 , 2016

Monitoring and Management Options in the Preservation of Ur..:

Malim, Tim ; Swain, Mark ; Panter, Ian
Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites.  18 (2016)  1-3 - p. 139-155 , 2016

Is PreservationIn Situan Unacceptable Option for Developmen..:

Malim, Tim ; Panter, Ian
Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites.  14 (2012)  1-4 - p. 429-441 , 2012

From riches to rags: organic deterioration at Star Carr:

Milner, Nicky ; Conneller, Chantal ; Elliott, Ben...
Journal of Archaeological Science.  38 (2011)  10 - p. 2818-2832 , 2011

A critical review of hydrological data collection for asses..:

Holden, Joseph ; Howard, Andy J. ; West, L. Jared...
Journal of Environmental Management.  90 (2009)  11 - p. 3197-3204 , 2009

Planning policy,in situpreservation and wetland archaeology..:

Lillie, Malcolm ; Panter, Ian ; Smith, Robert
Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites.  8 (2006)  1 - p. 42-46 , 2006