Pei, Dongyu
39  results:
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Micron-sized CuO spheres anchored on three-dimensional nick..:

Pei, Dongyu ; Wang, Hanbo ; Wan, Sheng...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds.  980 (2024)  - p. 173579 , 2024

Hydrothermal-deposition synthesis of MnO2/MnS nanorods as h..:

Wang, Ziming ; Wang, Hanbo ; Pei, Dongyu...
Progress in Natural Science: Materials International.  , 2024

Facile Fabrication of N-doped Carbon Derived from Kiwi Frui..:

Wang, Hanbo ; Zhang, Ziqi ; Li, Yiduo...
Academic Journal of Science and Technology.  4 (2023)  2 - p. 78-82 , 2023

Refinement of structural characteristics and supercapacitor..:

Wang, Ziming ; Wang, Hanbo ; Pei, Dongyu...
Progress in Natural Science: Materials International.  33 (2023)  6 - p. 881-890 , 2023

A Facile MOF Based Iron-Molybdenum Bimetallic Electrode Mat..:

Li, Yiduo ; Zhang, Ziqi ; Wang, Hanbo...
Academic Journal of Science and Technology.  4 (2023)  2 - p. 137-140 , 2023

Electrodeposited behavior of lead on the negative electrode..:

Bao, Jinpeng ; Lu, Haiyan ; Pei, Dongyu.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.  46 (2021)  53 - p. 27119-27127 , 2021

Hierarchical Co Ni layered double hydroxide nanosheets enwr..:

Yan, Wang ; Hanbo, Wang ; Sheng, Wan...
Journal of Energy Storage.  98 (2024)  - p. 112996 , 2024