Rachel G. Liao
3007  results:
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BRCA1/2 Variant Data-Sharing Practices:

Bollinger, Juli M. ; Sanka, Abhi ; Dolman, Lena..
Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics.  47 (2019)  1 - p. 88-96 , 2019

Development of covalent inhibitors that can overcome resist..:

Tan, Li ; Wang, Jun ; Tanizaki, Junko...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.  111 (2014)  45 - p. , 2014

Mapping the human genetic architecture of COVID-19:

Niemi, Mari E.K ; Karjalainen, Juha ; Liao, Rachel G...
COVID-19 Host Genetics Initiative. (2021) Mapping the human genetic architecture of COVID-19. Nature, 600, 472–477.  , 2021