Schneider, Carolin
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SeqCAT: Sequence Conversion and Analysis Toolbox:

Kornrumpf, Kevin ; Kurz, Nadine S ; Drofenik, Klara...
Nucleic Acids Research.  52 (2024)  W1 - p. W116-W120 , 2024

Dose–response relationship in cognitive behavioral therapy ..:

Klein, Thomas ; Breilmann, Johanna ; Schneider, Carolin...
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology.  92 (2024)  5 - p. 296-309 , 2024

Preparing the Grounds—Making a Case for Conversational Deme..:

, In: An Ethno-Social Approach to Code Choice in Bilinguals Living with Alzheimer's,
Schneider, Carolin - p. 1-5 , 2023

The Formal Characteristics of the Bilingual Turns and Turn ..:

, In: An Ethno-Social Approach to Code Choice in Bilinguals Living with Alzheimer's,
Schneider, Carolin - p. 167-194 , 2023

Establishing a Conversational Corpus of Bilingual Speakers ..:

, In: An Ethno-Social Approach to Code Choice in Bilinguals Living with Alzheimer's,
Schneider, Carolin - p. 95-126 , 2023