Schumacher, Neele
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EGFR stimulation enables IL-6 trans-signalling via iRhom2-d..:

Schumacher, Neele ; Thomsen, Ilka ; Brundert, Florian...
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Cell Research.  1870 (2023)  7 - p. 119489 , 2023

ADAM17 orchestrates Interleukin-6, TNFα and EGF-R signaling..:

Schumacher, Neele ; Rose-John, Stefan
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Cell Research.  1869 (2022)  1 - p. 119141 , 2022

ADAM-Mediated Signalling Pathways in Gastrointestinal Cance..:

Schumacher, Neele ; Rose-John, Stefan ; Schmidt-Arras, Dirk
International Journal of Molecular Sciences.  21 (2020)  14 - p. 5133 , 2020

Shedding of Endogenous Interleukin-6 Receptor (IL-6R) Is Go..:

Schumacher, Neele ; Meyer, Dörte ; Mauermann, Andre...
Journal of Biological Chemistry.  290 (2015)  43 - p. 26059-26071 , 2015