Seid, Yimer
156  results:
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Health-Related Quality of Life Among Type 2 Diabetes Mellit..:

Esubalew, Habtamu ; Belachew, Ayele ; Seid, Yimer...
Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity.  17 (2024)  - p. 1039-1049 , 2024

The obesogenic side of Genistein:

Xiang, Jia ; Mlambo, Ronald ; Dube, Progress...
Frontiers in Endocrinology.  14 (2023)  - p. , 2023

Determination of the Level of Heavy Metals in the Selected ..:

Getu, Amsalu ; Seid, Yimer ; Asrade, Biset.
International Journal of Analytical Chemistry.  2022 (2022)  - p. 1-7 , 2022

Evaluation of Aloe weloensis (Aloeacea) Mucilages as a Phar..:

Mengesha, Yohannes ; Tuha, Abdu ; Seid, Yimer..
Advances in Pharmacological and Pharmaceutical Sciences.  2021 (2021)  - p. 1-6 , 2021

Knowledge and Practice of Health Care Providers Towards Pro..:

Seid Yimer, Tigist ; Gebrehana Belay, Habtamu
Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare.  14 (2021)  - p. 1583-1591 , 2021

Preservation and Protection Technology of Fresh Vegetables ..:

Yimer, Seid ; Sahu, Omprakash
International Journal of Vegetable Science.  20 (2014)  3 - p. 216-226 , 2014