Suzuki, Shunsuke
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Evolution of the short form of DNMT3A, DNMT3A2, occurred in..:

Ishihara, Teruhito ; Hickford, Danielle ; Fenelon, Jane C...
Ishihara , T , Hickford , D , Fenelon , J C , Griffith , O W , Suzuki , S & Renfree , M B 2022 , ' Evolution of the short form of DNMT3A, DNMT3A2, occurred in the common ancestor of mammals ' , Genome Biology and Evolution , vol. 14 , no. 7 , evac094 , pp. 1-14 .  , 2022

Presence of H3K4me3 on paternally expressed genes of the pa..:

Ishihara, Teruhito ; Griffith, Oliver W ; Suzuki, Shunsuke.
Ishihara , T , Griffith , O W , Suzuki , S & Renfree , M B 2022 , ' Presence of H3K4me3 on paternally expressed genes of the paternal genome from sperm to implantation ' , Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology , vol. 10 , 838684 , pp. 1-15 .  , 2022

Placental imprinting of SLC22A3 in the IGF2R imprinted doma..:

Ishihara, Teruhito ; Griffith, Oliver W ; Suzuki, Shunsuke.
Ishihara , T , Griffith , O W , Suzuki , S & Renfree , M B 2022 , ' Placental imprinting of SLC22A3 in the IGF2R imprinted domain is conserved in therian mammals ' , Epigenetics and Chromatin , vol. 15 , no. 1 , 32 , pp. 1-14 .  , 2022

Selected imprinting of INS in the marsupial:

Stringer Jessica M ; Suzuki Shunsuke ; Pask Andrew J..  , 2012

Selected imprinting of INS in the marsupial:

Stringer, Jessica M ; Suzuki, Shunsuke ; Pask, Andrew J..  , 2012

Genome sequence of an Australian kangaroo, Macropus eugenii..:

Renfree, M. B ; Papenfuss, Anthony ; DEAKIN, Janine...
Renfree , M B , Papenfuss , A , DEAKIN , J , Lindsay , J , Heider , T , Belov , K , Rens , W , Waters , P , Pharo , E , Shaw , G , Wong , E , Lefevre , C , Nicholas , K R , Kuroki , Y , Wakefield , M , Zenger , K , Wang , C , Ferguson-Smith , M , Nicholas , F , Hickford , D , Yu , H , Short , K R , Siddle , H , Frankenberg , S , Chew , K , Menzies , B , Stringer , J , Suzuki , S , Hore , T , Delbridge , M L , Mohammadi , A , Schneider , N , Hu , Y , O'Hara , W , Nadaf , S , Wu , C , Feng , Z-P , Cocks , B , Wang , J , Flicek , P , Searle , S , Fairley , S , Beal , K , Herrero , J , Carone , D , Suzuki , Y , Sugano , S , Toyoda , A , Sakaki , Y , Kondo , S , Nishida , Y , Tatsumoto , S , Mandiou , I , Hsu , A , McColl , K , Lansdell , B , Weinstock , G , Kuczek , E , McGrath , A , Wilson , P , Men , A , Hazar-Rethinam , M , Hall , A , Davis , J , Wood , D , Williams , S , Sundaravadanam , Y , Muzny , D , Jhangiani , S , Lewis , L , Morgan , M , Okwuonu , G , Ruiz , S , Sant....  , 2011

Ring Growth Mechanism in the Reaction between Fulvenallenyl..:

Akira Matsugi ; Shunsuke Suzuki  , 2024