Tan, Liangquan
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The full-energy peak efficiency of gamma-ray spectrometry b..:

Zhang, Jian ; Zhang, Qingxian ; Lai, Wanchang...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment.  1061 (2024)  - p. 169145 , 2024

Research of nuclide identification method based on backgrou..:

Li, Xiaozhe ; Zhang, Qingxian ; Tan, Heyi...
Applied Radiation and Isotopes.  192 (2023)  - p. 110596 , 2023

Study on the Energy Spectrum Response of a CdZnTe Detector:

Li, Yuandong ; Ge, Liangquan ; Sun, Kun...
Journal of the Korean Physical Society.  76 (2020)  9 - p. 802-809 , 2020

The application of EDXRF on soil heavy metal analyzation in..:

Li, Xiaozhe ; Chen, Yi ; Ge, Liangquan...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series.  1423 (2019)  1 - p. 012040 , 2019

Research and development of a high-performance differential..:

Zeng, Guoqiang ; Hu, Chuanhao ; Wei, Shilong...
Applied Radiation and Isotopes.  120 (2017)  - p. 95-100 , 2017

Minimum detectable activity for NaI(Tl) airborne γ-ray spec..:

Gong, ChunHui ; Zeng, GuoQiang ; Ge, LiangQuan..
Science China Technological Sciences.  57 (2014)  9 - p. 1840-1845 , 2014