Uniken Venema, Simone M
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Admission blood pressure and clinical outcomes in patients ..:

van den Berg, Sophie A ; Uniken Venema, Simone M ; LeCouffe, Natalie E...
https://pure.eur.nl/en/publications/26402fa0-9a0b-4985-9eab-f6ec06ed907d.  , 2023

Collateral status and recanalization after endovascular tre..:

Uniken Venema, Simone M ; Dankbaar, Jan Willem ; Wolff, Lennard...
https://research.rug.nl/en/publications/0e061f9d-d461-48ad-a22c-50c5354c48eb.  , 2023

Admission blood pressure and clinical outcomes in patients ..:

van den Berg, Sophie A ; Uniken Venema, Simone M ; LeCouffe, Natalie E...
https://pure.eur.nl/en/publications/26402fa0-9a0b-4985-9eab-f6ec06ed907d.  , 2023

Admission blood pressure and clinical outcomes in patients ..:

van den Berg, Sophie A ; Uniken Venema, Simone M ; LeCouffe, Natalie E...
https://research.vumc.nl/en/publications/f2fa3b69-03fd-445c-8fd1-a90596ebead9.  , 2023

Diagnostic performance of an algorithm for automated collat..:

Wolff, Lennard ; Uniken Venema, Simone M ; Luijten, Sven P.R...
https://pure.eur.nl/en/publications/c756e521-5352-4a67-b70f-e54e1bd2c84e.  , 2022

Diagnostic performance of an algorithm for automated collat..:

Wolff, Lennard ; Uniken Venema, Simone M ; Luijten, Sven P.R...
https://pure.eur.nl/en/publications/c756e521-5352-4a67-b70f-e54e1bd2c84e.  , 2022

Prehospital transdermal glyceryl trinitrate in patients wit..:

van den Berg, Sophie A ; Uniken Venema, Simone M ; Reinink, Hendrik...
https://pure.eur.nl/en/publications/aa48bbc6-48d1-4c78-bb90-7b03e0da8b63.  , 2022

Prehospital transdermal glyceryl trinitrate in patients wit..:

van den Berg, Sophie A ; Uniken Venema, Simone M ; Reinink, Hendrik...
https://pure.eur.nl/en/publications/aa48bbc6-48d1-4c78-bb90-7b03e0da8b63.  , 2022

Diagnostic performance of an algorithm for automated collat..:

Wolff, Lennard ; Uniken Venema, Simone M ; Luijten, Sven P R...
Wolff , L , Uniken Venema , S M , Luijten , S P R , Hofmeijer , J , Martens , J M , Bernsen , M L E , van Es , A C G M , van Doormaal , P J , Dippel , D W J , van Zwam , W , van Walsum , T , van der Lugt , A & MR CLEAN Registry Investigators 2022 , ' Diagnostic performance of an algorithm for automated collateral scoring on computed tomography angiography ' , European Radiology , vol. 32 , no. 8 , pp. 5711-5718 . https://doi.org/10.1007/s00330-022-08627-4.  , 2022