Vahid-Ghavidel, Morteza
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A Price-Based Strategy to Coordinate Electric Springs for D..:

, In: 2023 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT),

Novel Hybrid Stochastic-Robust Optimal Trading Strategy for..:

Vahid-Ghavidel, Morteza ; Javadi, Mohammad S. ; Santos, Sergio F....
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.  57 (2021)  5 - p. 5488-5498 , 2021

Demand Response based Trading Framework in the Presence of ..:

, In: 2020 International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies (SEST),

Optimal Battery Storage Arbitrage Considering Degradation C..:

, In: 2020 IEEE 29th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE),

Application of Opportunistic Information-Gap Decision Theor..:

, In: 2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe),

Energy storage system impact on the operation of a demand r..:

Vahid-Ghavidel, Morteza ; Javadi, M.S ; Santos, Sérgio F...
Morteza Vahid-Ghavidel: Methodology, Investigation, Data curation, Writing –original draft. Mohammad Sadegh Javadi: Formal analysis, Validation. Sergio ´ F. Santos: Conceptualization, Visualization. Matthew Gough: Writing – review & editing. Miadreza Shafie-khah: Supervision, Validation. Joao ˜ P.S. Catalao: ˜ Supervision, Writing – review & editing..  , 2023

Hybrid IGDT-stochastic self-scheduling of a distributed ene..:

Vahid-Ghavidel, Morteza ; Shafie-khah, M ; Javadi, M.S...
M. Vahid-Ghavidel acknowledges the support of FCT through the Ph. D. Scholarship with reference number 2020.08822.BD. M. Gough acknowledges the support of FCT through the Ph.D. Scholarship with reference number UI/BD/152279/2021. M. S. Javadi acknowledges the support of FCT for his contract funding provided through 2021.01052. CEECIND. Also, J.P.S. Catalao ˜ acknowledges the support of FEDER through COMPETE 2020 and FCT under POCI-010145-FEDER-029803 (02/SAICT/2017)..  , 2023

Flexibility provision by active prosumers in microgrids:

Castro, Rodrigo M ; Javadi, Mohammad S ; Santos, Sérgio F...
Support by FEDER funds through COMPETE 2020 and by Portuguese funds through FCT, under POCI-01- 0145-FEDER-029803 (02/SAICT/2017)..  , 2021