Wang, Longguang
182  results:
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DDAug: Differentiable Data Augmentation for Weakly Supervis..:

Li, Boyang ; Zhang, Fei ; Wang, Longguang...
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia.  26 (2024)  - p. 4764-4775 , 2024

Mixed-Precision Network Quantization for Infrared Small Tar..:

Li, Boyang ; Wang, Longguang ; Wang, Yingqian...
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.  62 (2024)  - p. 1-12 , 2024

Point Spatio-Temporal Pyramid Network for Point Cloud Video..:

Shen, Zhiqiang ; Wang, Longguang ; Guo, Yulan..
IEEE Signal Processing Letters.  31 (2024)  - p. 1209-1213 , 2024

Adaptive Sparse Memory Networks for Efficient and Robust Vi..:

Dang, Jisheng ; Zheng, Huicheng ; Xu, Xiaohao...
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems.  , 2024

LoS: Local Structure-Guided Stereo Matching:

, In: 2024 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR),
Li, Kunhong ; Wang, Longguang ; Zhang, Ye... - p. 19746-19756 , 2024

Deep Semantic Graph Matching for Large-Scale Outdoor Point ..:

Liu, Shaocong ; Wang, Tao ; Zhang, Yan...
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.  62 (2024)  - p. 1-12 , 2024

Beyond Appearance: Multi-Frame Spatio-Temporal Context Memo..:

Dang, Jisheng ; Zheng, Huicheng ; Xu, Xiaohao..
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.  33 (2024)  - p. 4853-4866 , 2024

Learning Spherical Radiance Field for Efficient 360° Unboun..:

Chen, Minglin ; Wang, Longguang ; Lei, Yinjie..
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.  33 (2024)  - p. 3722-3734 , 2024

Real-World Light Field Image Super-Resolution Via Degradati..:

Wang, Yingqian ; Liang, Zhengyu ; Wang, Longguang...
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems.  , 2024

Self-Supervised Multi-Frame Monocular Depth Estimation for ..:

Wu, Guanghui ; Liu, Hao ; Wang, Longguang...
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology.  34 (2024)  6 - p. 4989-5001 , 2024

Learning Coupled Dictionaries from Unpaired Data for Image ..:

, In: 2024 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR),
Wang, Longguang ; Li, Juncheng ; Wang, Yingqian.. - p. 25712-25721 , 2024