Watkins, Melanie K.
2441  results:
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Air-Entraining Admixture Partitioning and Adsorption by Fly..:

Ahmed, Zeyad T. ; Hand, David W. ; Watkins, Melanie K..
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research.  53 (2014)  11 - p. 4239-4246 , 2014

Combined Adsorption Isotherms for Measuring the Adsorption ..:

Ahmed, Zeyad T. ; Hand, David W. ; Watkins, Melanie K..
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering.  2 (2014)  4 - p. 614-620 , 2014

A Novel Therapeutic Strategy to Control Conventional T-Cell..:

Tkachev, Victor ; Furlan, Scott N. ; Watkins, Benjamin K....
Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation.  23 (2017)  3 - p. S20 , 2017

Multidrug-Resistant Campylobacter jejuni Outbreak Linked to..:

Montgomery, Martha P. ; Robertson, Scott ; Koski, Lia...
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.  67 (2018)  37 - p. 1032-1035 , 2018

Phylogenetic ctDNA analysis depicts early stage lung cancer..:

Abbosh, Christopher ; Birkbak, Nicolai Juul ; Wilson, Gareth A...
https://orbit.dtu.dk/en/publications/3a3dd3b0-ad75-4d55-949a-57533b9bd994.  , 2017

Allele-Specific HLA Loss and Immune Escape in Lung Cancer E..:

McGranahan, Nicholas ; Rosenthal, Rachel ; Hiley, Crispin T...
McGranahan , N , Rosenthal , R , Hiley , C T , Rowan , A J , Watkins , T B K , Wilson , G A , Birkbak , N J , Veeriah , S , Van Loo , P , Herrero , J , Swanton , C , Jamal-Hanjani , M , Shafi , S , Czyzewska-Khan , J , Johnson , D , Laycock , J , Bosshard-Carter , L , Gorman , P , Hynds , R E , Wilson , G , Horswell , S , Mitter , R , Escudero , M , Stewart , A , Rowan , A , Xu , H , Turajlic , S , Abbosh , C , Goldman , J , Stone , R K , Denner , T , Matthews , N , Elgar , G , Ward , S , Costa , M , Begum , S , Phillimore , B , Chambers , T , Nye , E , Graca , S , Al Bakir , M , Joshi , K , Furness , A , Ben Aissa , A , Wong , Y N S , Georgiou , A , Quezada , S , Hartley , J A , Lowe , H L , Lawrence , D , Hayward , M , Panagiotopoulos , N , Kolvekar , S , Falzon , M , Borg , E , Marafioti , T , Simeon , C , Hector , G , Smith , A , Aranda , M , Novelli , M , Oukrif , D , Janes , S M , Thakrar , R , Forster , M , Ahmad , T , Lee , S M , Papadatos-Pastos , D , Carnell , D ....  , 2017

Allele-Specific HLA Loss and Immune Escape in Lung Cancer E..:

McGranahan, Nicholas ; Rosenthal, Rachel ; Hiley, Crispin T...
https://kclpure.kcl.ac.uk/portal/en/publications/584bc918-56b5-46c4-baeb-ab91fac3e4a5.  , 2017