Watt, Andrew A.
521  results:
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Explaining unemployment developments in Europe 

the role of wage-setting institutions and macroeconomic pol... 
Watt, Andrew , 2019

Technological Change and Employment 

Innovations in the German Economy 
Watt, Andrew ; Wagner, Michael ; Schettkat, Ronald - Dt. Ausg. u.d.T.: Technologischer Wandel und Beschäftigung. Reprint 2019 . , [2019]

New Frontiers in the Public Sector Management 

Trends and Issues in State and Local Government in Europe  de Gruyter Studies in Organization ; 69
Naschold, Frieder ; Watt, Andrew - Reprint 2017 . , 2017

Challenges in constructing a multi-dimensional European job..:

Leschke, Janine ; Watt, Andrew
Social indicators research.  118 (2014)  1 - p. 1-31 , 2014

EU labour migration in troubled times 

skills mismatch, return and policy responses 
Copies:  Zentrale:E02 a soz 858 3ah/810

The role of wage-setting in a growth strategy for Europe:

, In: Economic growth / ed. by Philip Arestis; Michelle Baddeley; John McCombie
Watt, Andrew. (2007)  - p. 178-199
Copies:  Zentrale:E02 a vwl 443.8/566; BB WiWi: 11a vwl 443.8/566a

Die EZB-interne Überprüfung der geldpolitischen Strategie 

, In: WSI-Mitteilungen
eine Kritik 
Watt, Andrew ; Janssen, Ronald. (2003)  12 - p. 720-727
Copies: Zentrale; SOCIUM;

Editorial to the special issue: Post-Keynesian economics an..:

Behringer, Jan ; Dafermos, Yannis ; Hein, Eckhard...
Journal: European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies: Intervention (EJEEP).  , 2023

Editorial to the special issue:

Behringer, Jan ; Dafermos, Yannis ; Hein, Eckhard...
https://eprints.soas.ac.uk/41090/1/ejeep-article-p247.pdf.  , 2023

Editorial to the special issue:

Behringer, Jan ; Gechert, Sebastian ; Nikolaidi, Maria.
Journal: European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies: Intervention (EJEEP).  , 2022