Withall, Liz
7  results:
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Assessing cultural safety in Aboriginal and Torres Strait I..:

Withall, Liz ; Ryder, Courtney ; Mackean, Tamara...
Australian Journal of Rural Health.  29 (2021)  2 - p. 201-210 , 2021

Feasibility Trial Evaluation of a Peer Volunteering Active ..:

Stathi, Afroditi ; Withall, Janet ; Thompson, Janice...
https://research-information.bris.ac.uk/en/publications/6dcd11e1-406e-4b41-a132-e059a7cfa5f5.  , 2019

Participant and public involvement in refining a peer-volun..:

Withall, Janet ; Thompson, Janice L ; Fox, Kenneth R...
Withall , J , Thompson , J L , Fox , K R , Davis , M , Gray , S , De Koning , J , Lloyd , L , Parkhurst , G & Stathi , A 2018 , ' Participant and public involvement in refining a peer-volunteering active aging intervention : Project ACE (Active, Connected, Engaged) ' , Gerontologist , vol. 58 , no. 2 , pp. 362-375 . https://doi.org/10.1093/geront/gnw148.  , 2018

Participant and public involvement in refining a peer-volun..:

Withall, Janet ; Thompson, Janice L ; Fox, Kenneth R...
Withall , J , Thompson , J L , Fox , K R , Davis , M , Gray , S , De Koning , J , Lloyd , L , Parkhurst , G & Stathi , A 2016 , ' Participant and public involvement in refining a peer-volunteering active aging intervention : Project ACE (Active, Connected, Engaged) ' , The Gerontologist . https://doi.org/10.1093/geront/gnw148.  , 2016