Xu, Chu
14730  results:
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The interaction mechanisms of algal organic matter (AOM) an..:

Du, Cunhao ; Sang, Wenlu ; Abbas, Mohamed...
Journal of Hazardous Materials.  477 (2024)  - p. 135273 , 2024

Microbial community diversity during algal inhibition using..:

Ni, Li-xiao ; Fang, Yuan-yi ; Du, Cun-hao...
Water Science and Engineering.  17 (2024)  3 - p. 266-273 , 2024

Study on Shear Strength Characteristics of Basalt-Concrete ..:

Xia, Peng ; Hu, Xinli ; Ying, Chunye...
Journal of Earth Science.  35 (2024)  2 - p. 553-567 , 2024

Response of landslide deformation to flood and impoundment ..:

Liu, Chang ; Hu, Xinli ; Zheng, Hongchao...
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment.  83 (2024)  9 - p. , 2024

Physiological and molecular mechanisms of the inhibitory ef..:

Sang, Wenlu ; Du, Cunhao ; Ni, Lixiao...
Journal of Hazardous Materials.  470 (2024)  - p. 134241 , 2024

Community Structure and Water Quality Assessment of Benthic..:

Ni, Lixiao ; Zhou, Lin ; Hamad, Amar Ali Adam...
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology.  112 (2024)  4 - p. , 2024

Decoding Microcystis aeruginosa quorum sensing through AHL-..:

Xu, Chu ; Ni, Lixiao ; Du, Cunhao...
Science of The Total Environment.  926 (2024)  - p. 172101 , 2024

Probabilistic stability analyses of the landslide-stabilizi..:

Wang, Xuan ; Hu, Xinli ; Xu, Chu...
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment.  83 (2024)  9 - p. , 2024

Multi-scale investigation on staged deterioration mechanism..:

Zhang, Haiyan ; Hu, Xinli ; Li, Lanxing...
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering.  , 2024