Xu, Zongying
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Mechanism of Fructus Mume Pills Underlying Their Protective..:

Xu, Zongying ; Zhang, Xueli ; Lu, Ruimin...
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine.  2022 (2022)  - p. 1-15 , 2022

Nb2O5 quantum dots coated with biomass carbon for ultra-sta..:

Lian, Yue ; Xu, Zongying ; Wang, Dawei...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds.  850 (2021)  - p. 156808 , 2021

Porous Layered Carbon with Interconnected Pore Structure De..:

Ban, Chao-Lei ; Xu, Zongying ; Wang, Dawei..
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering.  7 (2019)  12 - p. 10742-10750 , 2019

Nitrogen self-doped porous carbon with layered structure de..:

Wang, Dawei ; Xu, Zongying ; Lian, Yue..
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science.  542 (2019)  - p. 400-409 , 2019

Effects of an immunosuppressive active component of Periplo..:

Deng, Huifang ; Yang, Hong ; Wang, Dingnan...
Journal of Traditional Chinese Medical Sciences.  5 (2018)  2 - p. 161-167 , 2018

Morphology-controlled synthesis of hierarchical mesoporous ..:

Wang, Dawei ; Guan, Bing ; Li, Yu...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds.  737 (2018)  - p. 238-247 , 2018

N-enriched multilayered porous carbon derived from natural ..:

Xu, Zongying ; Li, Yu ; Li, Dandan...
Applied Surface Science.  444 (2018)  - p. 661-671 , 2018

Three-dimensional porous layered double hydroxides growing ..:

Li, Dandan ; Li, Yu ; Zhao, Jing..
Journal of Materials Research.  32 (2017)  13 - p. 2487-2496 , 2017

Core/shell Ni–P@Ni–Co composite with micro-/nanostructure f..:

Li, Dandan ; Li, Yu ; Xu, Zongying...
Journal of Materials Science.  53 (2017)  5 - p. 3647-3660 , 2017