Finney, Charles E.A.
745  Ergebnisse:
Personensuche X

Assessment of a detailed biomass pyrolysis kinetic scheme i..:

Gao, Xi ; Lu, Liqiang ; Shahnam, Mehrdad...
Chemical Engineering Journal.  418 (2021)  - p. 129347 , 2021

Nonuniform Oxidation Behavior of Loaded Gasoline Particulat..:

Moses-DeBusk, Melanie ; Storey, John M.E. ; Eibl, Mary A....
Emission Control Science and Technology.  6 (2020)  3 - p. 301-314 , 2020

In situ monitoring of hydrogen loss during pyrolysis of woo..:

Ossler, Frederik ; Santodonato, Louis J. ; Warren, Jeffrey M....
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute.  37 (2019)  2 - p. 1273-1280 , 2019

High-Resolution X-Ray and Neutron Computed Tomography of an..:

Duke, Daniel J. ; Finney, Charles E.A. ; Kastengren, Alan...
SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants.  10 (2017)  2 - p. 328-343 , 2017

Progression of Soot Cake Layer Properties During the System..:

Toops, Todd J. ; Pihl, Josh A. ; Finney, Charles E. A...
Emission Control Science and Technology.  1 (2015)  1 - p. 24-31 , 2015

Neutron tomography of particulate filters: a non-destructiv..:

Toops, Todd J. ; Bilheux, Hassina Z. ; Voisin, Sophie...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment.  729 (2013)  - p. 581-588 , 2013
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