 1 Ergebnisse 

Condition of entomophilic fauna on Hyssopus officinalis L. ..:

Gorbacheva, A ; Dumacheva, E ; Vorobyova, O..
Condition of entomophilic fauna on Hyssopus officinalis L. crops depending on ecotope conditions / A. Gorbacheva, E. Dumacheva, O. Vorobyova [et al.] // BIO Web of Conferences. - Belgorod, 2021. - Vol.30.-Art. 04002. - (Innovatios in Life Sciences (ILS 2020) : II International Simposium, Belgorod, Russia, 19-20 May 2020 / eds.: I. Spichak, O. Lebedeva). - Doi: org/10.1051/bioconf/20213004002.  , 2021