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Two large reciprocal translocations characterized in the di..:

Dupouy, M ; Baurens, F.C ; Derouault, P...
Dupouy, M.; Baurens, F.C.; Derouault, P.; Hervouet, C.; Cardi, C.; Cruaud, C.; Istace, B.; Labadie, K.; Guiougou, C.; Toubi, L.; Salmon, F.; Mournet, P.; Rouard, M.; Yahiaoui, N.; Lemainque, A.; Martin, G.; D'Hont, A. (2019) Two large reciprocal translocations characterized in the disease resistance-rich burmannica genetic group of Musa acuminata. Annals of Botany 124(2) p. 319–329 ISSN: 0305-7364.  , 2019