 1 Ergebnisse 

Exploring the usefulness of scenario archetypes in science-..:

Sitas, Nadia ; Harmáčková, Zuzana V ; Anticamara, Jonathan A...
Sitas N, Harmáčková ZV, Anticamara JA, Arneth A, Badola R, Biggs R, Blanchard R, Brotons L, Cantele M, Coetzer K, DasGupta R, den Belder E, Ghosh S, Guisan A, Gundimeda H, Hamann M, Harrison PA, Hashimoto S, Hauck J, Klatt BJ, Kok K, Krug RM, Niamir A, O'Farrell PJ, Pkayasu S, Palomo I, Pereira L, Riordan P, Santos-Martín F, Selomane O, Shin YJ, Valle M. 2019. Exploring the usefulness of scenario archetypes in science-policy processes: experience across IPBES assessments. Ecology and Society 24(3):35..  , 2020