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Sustainable Agroforestry Landscape Management: Changing the..:

Noordwijk, M. van ; Speelman, E ; Hofstede, G.J...
van Noordwijk, M., Speelman, E., Hofstede, G.J., Farida, A., Abdurrahim, A.Y., Miccolis, A., Hakim, A.L., Wamucii, C.N., Lagneaux, E., Andreotti, F., Kimbowa, G., Assogba, G.G., Best, L., Tanika, L., Githinji, M., Rosero, P., Sari, R.R., Satnarain, U., Adiwibowo, S., Ligtenberg, A., Muthuri, C., Peña-Claros, M., Purwanto, E., van Oel, P., Rozendaal, D., Suprayogo, D. and Teuling, A.J. 2020. Sustainable Agroforestry Landscape Management: Changing the Game. Land 9(8): 243.  , 2021