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Contrasting effects of polysaccharide components on the coo..:

Mestres, C ; Taylor, M ; McDougall, G...
Mestres, C.; Taylor, M.A.; McDougall, G.J.; Arufe, S.; Tran, T.; Nuwamanya, E.; Dufour, D.; Nakitto, M.; Meghar, K.; Rinaldo, D.; Ollier, L.; Domingo, R.; Moreno, J.L.; Delgado, L.F.; Kouassi, H.A.; Diby, N.; Mbéguié-A-Mbéguié, D.; Akissoé, N.H.; Adinsi, L.; Rolland-Sabaté, A. 2023. Contrasting effects of polysaccharide components on the cooking properties of Roots, Tubers and Bananas (RTBs). Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. ISSN 1097-0010. 32 p..  , 2023