 1 Ergebnisse 

Building an African Leptospirosis Network:

Benschop, J ; Allan, K ; Fayaz, A...
Benschop, J., Allan, K., Fayaz, A., Bastos, A., Collins-Emerson, J., Crump, J.A., Dobigny, G., El Azhari, M., El-Tras, W.F., Halliday, J., Koffi, S.K., Lindahl, J., Mgode, G., Moseley, M., Mubemba, B., Naicker, P., Rahelinirina, S., Rakotomanana, F. and Rubbo, P.-A. 2016. Building an African Leptospirosis Network. Presentation at the 4th International One Health Congress and 6th Biennial Congress of the International Association for Ecology and Health (One Health EcoHealth 2016), Melbourne, Australia, 3–7 December 2016. New Zealand: Massey University..  , 2017