 1 Ergebnisse 

Wavelength tuning of photonic crystal waveguides fabricated..:

Zhuang, Yanxin ; Frandsen, Lars Hagedorn ; Harpøth, Anders...
Zhuang , Y , Frandsen , L H , Harpøth , A , Thorhauge , M , Kristensen , M , Borel , P I , Bogaerts , W & Baets , R 2004 , Wavelength tuning of photonic crystal waveguides fabricated using 248-nm deep UV lithography . in Optical Fiber Communication Conference, 2004. OFC 2004 . vol. 2 , IEEE , 2004 Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibition , Los Angeles, CA , United States , 23/02/2004 .  , 2004