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Play, Learn, and Teach Outdoors—Network (PLaTO‑Net): termin..:

Lee, Eun-Young ; de Lannoy, Louise ; Li, Lucy...
Lee, E.-Y., de Lannoy, L., Li, L., de Barros, M. I. A., Bentsen, P., Brussoni, M., Fiskum, T. A., Guerrero, M., Hallås, B. O., Ho, S., Jordan, C., Leather, M., Mannion, G., Moore, S. A., Sandseter, E. B. H., Spencer, N. L. I., Waite, S., Wang, P.-Y., Tremblay, M. S., . . . Zorica, M. (2022). Play, Learn, and Teach Outdoors—Network (PLaTO‑Net): terminology, taxonomy, and ontology. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 19(1)..  , 2022