 1 Ergebnisse 

Stark control of multiphoton ionization through Freeman res..:

Casasús I.M ; Corrales M.E ; Murillo-Sánchez M.L...
We thank Dr. David V. Chicharro, Dr. Pedro Recio, and Dr. Fan Wang for their help in the first stages of this project. I.M.C. is grateful to the Spanish Ministry of Universities for an FPU predoctoral contract (FPU21/04608). The financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under Grant Nos. PGC2018-096444-B-I00 and PID2021-122839NB-I00 and the Madrid Regional Government through the program Proyectos Sinérgicos de I+D (Grant No. Y2018/NMT-5028 FULMATEN-CM) is gratefully acknowledged. This work was supported in part by the Madrid Government (Comunidad de Madrid, Spain) under the Multi-annual Agreement with Universidad Complutense de Madrid in the line Research Incentive for Young Ph.D.s, in the context of the V PRICIT (Regional Program of Research and Technological Innovation) (Grant No. PR27/21-010). P.L.-V. acknowledges Fundación Carolina for a mobility grant at Complutense University of Madrid under the Programa de Movilidad de Profesores....  , 2023