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Agronomic and physiological behavior of two Portuguese grap..:

Ribeiro, A.C ; Barreales, David ; Andrade, João Verdial..
Ribeiro, A.C.; Barreales, David; Andrade, João Verdial; Rodrigues, M.A.; Blanco-Ward, Daniel (2018). Agronomic and physiological behavior of two Portuguese grapevine cultivars in distinct climatic sub-regions of Douro (Portugal) = Comportamiento agronómico y fisiológico de dos variedades de vid portuguesas en distintas subregiones climáticas del Duero (Portugal). In 41st World Congress of Vine and Wine and 16th General Assembly of the Oiv: book of abstracts-Punta Del Este. Uruguay. ISBN 979-109-179-9911.  , 2018