 1 Ergebnisse 

Chemical and bioactive screening of green polyphenol-rich e..:

Rodrigues, Daniele B ; Verissimo, Lavinia ; Finimundy, Tiane C...
Rodrigues, Daniele B.; Verissimo, Lavinia; Finimundy, Tiane C.; Rodrigues, Joana P.B.; Oliveira, Izamara; Fernandes, Isabel P.; Barros, Lillian; Heleno, Sandrina A.; Calhelha, Ricardo C. (2023). Chemical and bioactive screening of green polyphenol-rich extracts from chestnut by-products: an approach to guide the sustainable production of high-added value ingredients. Foods. eISSN 2304-8158. 12:13, p. 1-31.  , 2023