 1 Ergebnisse 

Genotype-phenotype relations in SF3B1 mutated myelodysplast..:

Conte, Simona
I. Nikpour M., Scharenberg C., Liu A., Conte S., Karimi M., MorteraBlanco T., Giai V., Fernandez-Mercado M., Papaemmanuil E., Hogstrand K., Jansson M., Vedin I., Wainscoat J.S., Campbell P., Cazzola M., Boultwood J., Grandien A., Hellström-Lindberg E. (2013). The transporter ABCB7 is a mediator of the phenotype of acquired refractory anemia with ring sideroblasts. Leukemia. 27, 889-896. ::doi::10.1038/leu.2012.298. ::pmid::23070040 ::isi::000317472200018.  , 2016