 1 Ergebnisse 

Relationship of suicide rates with climate and economic var..:

Fountoulakis, Konstantinos N ; Chatzikosta, Isaia ; Pastiadis, Konstantinos...
Fountoulakis , K N , Chatzikosta , I , Pastiadis , K , Zanis , P , Kawohl , W , Kerkhof , A J F M , Navickas , A , Höschl , C , Lecic-Tosevski , D , Sorel , E , Rancans , E , Palova , E , Juckel , G , Isacsson , G , Jagodic , H K , Botezat-Antonescu , I , Rybakowski , J , Azorin , J M , Cookson , J , Waddington , J , Pregelj , P , Demyttenaere , K , Hranov , L G , Stevovic , L I , Pezawas , L , Adida , M , Figuera , M L , Jakovljević , M , Vichi , M , Perugi , G , Andreassen , O A , Vukovic , O , Mavrogiorgou , P , Varnik , P , Dome , P , Winkler , P , Salokangas , R K R , From , T , Danileviciute , V , Gonda , X , Rihmer , Z , Forsman , J , Grady , A , Hyphantis , T , Dieset , I , Soendergaard , S , Pompili , M & Bech , P 2016 , ' Relationship of suicide rates with climate and economic variables in Europe during 2000–2012 ' , Annals of General Psychiatry , vol. 15 , no. 1 , pp. 1-6 .  , 2016