 1 Ergebnisse 

Cross-border UTC of Volyn: socio-geographical backgrounds o..:

Karpiuk, Zoia ; Antypiuk, Olena ; Kacharovskyi, Roman
Antypiuk, O., Kacharovskyi, R., Chyzhevska, L., Karpiuk, Z. (2019). Historical, cultural, tourist and recreational resources of the border with Belarus territories of the united territorial communities of Volyn Oblast. Mater. IV international. scientific-practical conf. «Fundamental and applied investigations: modern scientific-practical decisions and approaches. Multidisciplinary perspectives», June 27, 2019. Kryvyi Rih: Posvit: 240-242. Atlas of cultural history of Volyn Oblast. (2008). Lutsk: Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University. Belelia, N., Pavlikha, N. (2009). Labor Potential of the Euroregion «Buh»: Features of Formation and Use. Scientific journal of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University. 4: 112-116. Bobrovych, I. (2001). International transport corridors as integrators of cross-border cooperation in the euroregion «Buh». Scientific journal of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn State University. 1: 61-63. Euroregion Buh: Volyn Oblast (1997), ....  , 2019