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Expression of the Antimicrobial Peptide Piscidin 1 and Neur..:

Zaccone, Giacomo ; Capillo, Gioele ; Fernandes, Jorge Manuel de Oliveira...
Zaccone, G., Capillo, G., Fernandes, J. M. O., Kiron, V., Lauriano, E. R., Alesci, A., Lo Cascio, P., Guerrera, M. C., Kuciel, M., Zuwala, K., Icardo, J. M., Ishimatsu, A., Murata, R., Amagai, T., Germanà & Aragona, M. (2022). Expression of the antimicrobial peptide piscidin 1 and neuropeptides in fish gill and skin: A potential participation in neuro-immune interaction. Marine Drugs, 20(2): 145. doi:.  , 2022