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Age-related cognitive decline and associations with sex, ed..:

Lipnicki D.M ; Crawford J.D ; Dutta R...
Lipnicki D.M., Crawford J.D., Dutta R., Thalamuthu A., Kochan N.A., Andrews G., Lima-Costa M.F., Castro-Costa E., Brayne C., Matthews F.E., Stephan B.C.M., Lipton R.B., Katz M.J., Ritchie K., Scali J., Ancelin M.-L., Scarmeas N., Yannakoulia M., Dardiotis E., Lam L.C.W., Wong C.H.Y., Fung A.W.T., Guaita A., Vaccaro R., Davin A., Kim K.W., Han J.W., Kim T.H., Anstey K.J., Cherbuin N., Butterworth P., Scazufca M., Kumagai S., Chen S., Narazaki K., Ng T.P., Gao Q., Reppermund S., Brodaty H., Lobo A., Lopez-Anton R., Santabárbara J., Sachdev P.S. (2017). Age-related cognitive decline and associations with sex, education and apolipoprotein E genotype across ethnocultural groups and geographic regions: a collaborative cohort study. PLoS Medicine 14 (3) : e1002261. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.  , 2017