 1 Ergebnisse 

Lake Phytobenthos ecological assessment methods:Water Frame..:

Kelly, Martyn ; Acs, Eva ; Bertrin, Vincent...
Kelly , M , Acs , E , Bertrin , V , Bennion , H , Borics , G , Burgess , A , Denys , L , Ecke , F , Kahlert , M , Karjalainen , S M , Kennedy , B , Marchetto , A , Morin , S , Picinska-Faltynowicz , J , Phillips , G , Schönfelder , I , Schönfelder , J , Urbanič , G , van Dam , H , Zalewski , T & Poikane , S (ed.) 2014 , Lake Phytobenthos ecological assessment methods : Water Framework Directive Intercalibration Technical Report . JRC Technical Reports , Publications Office of the European Union , Luxembourg . , 10.2788/7466.  , 2014