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European Validation of the Self-Evaluation of Negative Symp..:

Dollfus, Sonia ; Mucci, Armida ; Giordano, Giulia M...
Dollfus, Sonia Mucci, Armida Giordano, Giulia M. Bitter, István Austin, Stephen F. Delouche, Camille Erfurth, Andreas Fleischhacker, W. Wolfgang Movina, Larisa Glenthøj, Birte Gütter, Karoline Hofer, Alex Hubenak, Jan Kaiser, Stefan Libiger, Jan Melle, Ingrid Nielsen, Mette Ø. Papsuev, Oleg Rybakowski, Janusz K. Sachs, Gabriele Üçok, Alp Brando, Francesco Wojciak, Pawel Galderisi, Silvana . European Validation of the Self-Evaluation of Negative Symptoms (SNS): A Large Multinational and Multicenter Study. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2022, 13.  , 2022