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The World Heritage Convention and cultural landscapes of th..:

Peñalver Martínez, María Jesús ; Segado Vázquez, Francisco Enrique ; Maciá Sánchez, Juan Francisco
PEÑALVER MARTÍNEZ, María Jesús, SEGADO VÁZQUEZ, Francisco Enrique y MACIÁ SÁNCHEZ, Juan Francisco. The World Heritage Convention and cultural landscapes of the enlightened Spanish Royal Arsenals: The case of the Royal Arsenal of Cartagena (Spain). En: Defensive Architecture of the Mediterranean: XV to XVIII Centuries: Vol. IV. Firenze: DIDAPRESS Università degli Studi di Firenze. Dipartimento di Architettura, 2016. p. 418-424. ISBN: 978-88-96080-60-3.  , 2016