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Seleção de basidiomicetos da região Amazônica com potencial..:

Santos, Vanderlei Sabóia dos
ACEVEDO, F., Pizzul, L., Castillo, M. del P., Cuevas, R. & Diez, M.C. Degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by the Chilean white-rot fungus Anthracophyllum discolor. Journal of Hazardous Materials 185: 212–219. 2011. ACEMIOGLU, B. Adsorption of Congo red from aqueous solution onto calcium-rich fly ash, J. Colloid Interface Sci. V.274, p.371-379, 2004. ANDRADE, J.A.; FABIO A.; JARDIM, S. F. Biorremediação de solos contaminados por Petróleo e seus derivados. Eclética. Química. São Paulo, 35 - 3: 17 - 43, 2010. ARORA, D. S.; GILL, P. K. Comparison of two assay procedure for lignin peroxidase. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, V.28, p.602-605, 2001. ATAGANA, H. I., HAYNES, R. J., WALLIS F. M. Fungal Bioremediation Of Creosoteontaminated Soil: A Laboratory Scale Bioremediation Study Using Indigenous Soil Fungi. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. Vol. 172: pag.201–219, 2006. BENNET, J.W. Mycotechnology: the role of fungi in bio....  , 2020