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Iberia: insights from the Lower Mondego River terraces (cen..:

Martins, António ; Cunha, Pedro ; Gouveia, Margarida...
Martins, A.; Cunha, P. P.; Gouveia, M.; Gomes, A.; Falguères,C.; Stokes, M.; Voinchet, P.; Cabral, J.; Bahain, J.-J.; De Vicente, G. (2022) – Geomorphic markers of Quaternary tectonics in Westernmost Iberia: insights from the Lower Mondego River terraces (central Portugal), ICG2022-283, Fluvial Geomorphology, 10th International Conference on Geomorphology (Abstract Book), 12-16 Setembro 2022, Coimbra; comunicação oral..  , 2022